Through our gallery,  we broadcast the value of craftsmanship from Tokyo to the world, connecting people who cherish handcrafted creations. 

"Ten years down the line, there might hardly be any kilns left in this region."

Before embarking on our venture, we heard these words from an artisan in a well-known pottery region in Japan. The demand has dwindled with the rise of cheaper products and alternatives made from other materials. The scarcity of successors is becoming a serious concern, a scenario not confined to pottery but prevalent in other crafts as well.

Our lives are brimming with objects, creating an illusion of material abundance at a glance. However, the creative endeavors and skills infused with tender care by human hands are gradually fading away, not just in Japan but around the globe.

Moved by the artisan's words, we found ourselves pondering on what could be done. It was around this time that an incident sparked the inception of our venture. When we invited a friend visiting Tokyo from overseas to our home, he was particularly enamored with the glass cup from which we served tea. Upon inquiring where it was crafted, and learning that it was made by an artisan in downtown Tokyo, he was utterly astonished.

"I had no idea there were glass artisans in Tokyo. I'd love to visit the kilns next time. I believe my friends back home would love it too."

His words resonated with us, igniting a sense of enormous potential. We envisioned a network of crafts enthusiasts across the world, sharing the beauty of creations birthed from human hands. This camaraderie could potentially alter the grim reality facing the crafts sector.

We aspire to share crafts, meticulously handcrafted in Tokyo, with the world. We aim to create a kind of gallery akin to a sanctuary where the allure of craftsmanship can be deeply appreciated - exploring the culture of crafts, the journey of creation, and the artistry and sentiments of the craftsmen and artists. It is with this vision that we founded "Tokyo Crafts Gallery".

Through Tokyo Crafts Gallery, we hope to build bridges between artisans, craftsmen, and the global community of crafts aficionados. By fostering these connections, we aim to propagate the splendor of crafts, ensuring their enduring legacy in the times to come.