Born out of a series of serendipitous events, Lin is a brand by Kinshodo that infuses everyday life with a luxurious glow. This innovative Arita ware brand captivates with its metallic-like texture and vibrant colors that change with perspective, a testament to the mastery of the craftsmen behind it.
The Sparkling Journey of Lin
The inception of Lin traces back to 2016, when the Arita pottery was celebrating its 400th year of establishment. It was during this time that Kinshodo felt a strong desire to create Arita ware that would resonate globally. This desire sparked the creation of Lin, a porcelain product unlike any seen before, with a texture reminiscent of metal, much loved by international tastes.
The Evolution of Lin Products
Ever since its birth, Lin has been continuously evolving across various genres. Notable series under the Lin brand include 'Lin Japan,' known for its elegant demeanor and intriguing metallic texture, and 'Lin NY,' developed with a desire to create products that would be appreciated by New Yorkers, and is characterized by slightly larger American sizes. Furthermore, the 'Lin Tile' series was developed in response to requests from New York interior designers and is known for adding a sparkle to everyday spaces. Lin also responded to the global pandemic in 2020 by developing the 'Lin NY+' series that features a coating of antibacterial titanium oxide using a photocatalytic mechanism.
Craftsmanship at the Heart of Lin
The beauty of Lin lies in the seamless blend of innovative design and traditional craftsmanship. The unique metallic feel, texture, and magical color changes are the result of numerous trials and errors, harnessing the skills of Arita's red painting craftsmen.
Arita: The Home of Lin
The Lin series is painstakingly crafted by Arita potters and stands on the accumulated techniques of Arita ware that have been passed down for 400 years. It can be said that if it were not for the traditional Arita ware, such as Ko-Imari, Kakiemon, and Nabeshima, Lin might not have been born.